REF1149 Jaques Ivory “Club” set
Circa 1855
Fine Ivory Staunton chess set, one side stained red, other side left natural, white king stamped ‘JAQUES LONDON’ , king side knights and rooks stamped with crowns.
Set comes in original Carton Pierre casket with Jaques red paper trade label to underneath “IVORY ENTERED No. 3847″ with Howard Staunton facsmile signiture.
The Carton Pierre Casket in the Gothic taste with chess board motifs and chess figures to the sides, the interior lined in blue velvet.
A rare example being the 4” Club size in ivory , in the last fifteen years only three have appeared on the market.
Kings 10 cm Tall
These historic Jaques sets all come with signed authors copy of the Jaques collectors guide and insurance valuation. Unfortunately due to copycat dealers we no longer display our prices.
However we would be delighted to hear from you, so please email us for the price of this item and for any further information.
Includes shipping & insurance valuation